5 Energy-Saving Tips To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

With the blazing sun outside, the last thing you want is to step into a stuffy, uncomfortable house. But cranking up the air conditioning system to maximum capacity can lead to increased energy consumption and soaring utility bills. Fortunately, our experts are here to help you stay cool while also being mindful of energy efficiency. To keep your home cool this summer without breaking the bank, follow these five energy-saving tips:

1. Schedule a Tune-Up for Your Air Conditioning System

Your air conditioning system is your best friend during the hot summer months. However, like any other appliance, it requires proper care to operate efficiently. Start by scheduling an AC maintenance with our experts at H.J. Faust, Inc. Our professional technicians will ensure that your cooling system is running at its peak performance.

Clean filters, well-lubricated parts, and adequate refrigerant levels can make a significant difference in energy efficiency. However, routine maintenance can only do so much good when your system is on its last legs. If your air conditioner is old and outdated, consider upgrading to an Energy Star-certified model for better cooling and reduced energy consumption.

2. Embrace Ceiling Fans and Ventilation

Ceiling fans are an effective and energy-efficient way to circulate cool air throughout your home. By using ceiling fans in conjunction with your air conditioning system, you can raise the thermostat a few degrees without sacrificing comfort. Remember, fans cool people, not rooms, so turn them off when you leave the room.

Additionally, proper ventilation is crucial to expel accumulated hot air. Make sure your attic is well-ventilated to prevent heat gain and help your cooling system operate more efficiently.

3. Mind Your Windows and Curtains

Your windows can play a significant role in heat gain during the summer. Keep blinds and curtains closed during the hottest part of the day to block out the sun’s rays. Consider investing in blackout curtains for windows that face south or west to further reduce heat transfer.

If the weather cools down in the evening, open windows strategically to let in cool air. This simple practice can help regulate indoor temperatures and save energy.

4. Use Home Appliances Smartly

Home appliances generate heat, and during summer, this extra heat can contribute to a warmer indoor environment. Opt for energy-efficient appliances that produce less heat, such as Energy Star-rated appliances.

When using heat-generating appliances like ovens, dryers, and stovetops, try to use them during the cooler parts of the day or evenings. Run full loads in your dishwasher and washing machine to maximize energy efficiency.

5. Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable or smart thermostat allows you to set specific temperature schedules for different times of the day. This means you can automatically adjust the temperature when you’re not at home or during the night when you’re sleeping. By raising the temperature a few degrees when you’re away or asleep, you can save on cooling costs without sacrificing comfort.

Our team at H.J. Faust, Inc. can help you choose and install a programmable or smart thermostat that suits your needs, putting you in control of your home’s cooling and energy usage.

More Summer Energy-Saving Tips Just for You!

We know we said we had five ways you could save energy this summer, but we got so excited about the topic that we kept going! Here are some more tips for keeping your home cool:

Use Your Thermostat Wisely

Even if you don’t have a programmable or smart thermostat, you can still take control of your thermostat settings. 

Set your thermostat to a higher temperature when you’re not home and lower it to a comfortable level when you are. Even a few degrees can make a significant difference in your energy consumption. During the night, take advantage of cooler external temperatures to set your thermostat a few degrees higher. This small adjustment not only contributes to considerable energy savings but also prolongs the lifespan of your air conditioning system by reducing its workload.

Seal Leaks & Insulate Your Home

Cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and in attic spaces can allow cool air to escape, forcing your air conditioning system to work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Start by inspecting your home for any potential leaks and seal them with weather stripping or caulking.

Additionally, ensure your home is properly insulated. Insulation acts as a barrier between the internal and external environments, keeping cool air in during the summer and warm air in during the winter. Investing in quality insulation can drastically reduce the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

Replace Your Old Windows

Old, inefficient windows are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to energy loss. They not only allow cool air to escape but also enable the sun’s heat to penetrate, increasing the internal temperature of your home.

Replacing old windows with energy-efficient models is a smart move to save energy this summer. Look for windows with double glazing and low-emissivity (low-E) coatings that reflect infrared light, keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Use a Dehumidifier

Humidity can make the air feel warmer than it actually is, leading to increased reliance on air conditioning. Using a dehumidifier in your home can remove excess moisture from the air, making it feel cooler and more comfortable.

Stay Cool and Save Energy

By incorporating these energy-saving tips for summer into your daily routine, you can enjoy a comfortably cool home while also reducing your energy bills. At H.J. Faust, Inc., we are committed to helping homeowners achieve optimal energy efficiency and comfort. Whether you need AC maintenance, air conditioning repair, or a new energy-efficient cooling system, our team of experts is here to assist you.

Schedule Your AC Service Today

Is it time to give your air conditioning system an upgrade or a much-needed tune-up? Don’t hesitate to contact H.J. Faust, Inc. Our experienced technicians will ensure your cooling system is operating efficiently and effectively.

Beat the summer heat and save energy with our expert services. Call us today to schedule your service or for more information.

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