Tips to Help Beat the Heat this Summer

We are currently experiencing what feels like an unseasonable hot spell in Southeastern Wisconsin. If your A/C isn’t functioning correctly, now is a good time to take notes and schedule an appointment with H.J. Faust before this temporary Spring warm up becomes normal Summer temperatures. However, if you can’t beat the heat right now, here are a few tips on how to stay cool if your air conditioner is not working.

1) Call H.J Faust Heating and Air Conditioning

If your A/C is not functioning correctly or at all, call an experienced HVAC technician to come assess the problem and perform the AC repair. At H.J. Faust, we pride ourselves on being able to quickly respond to calls about broken AC units in Burlington, WI. However, during hot spells when many residents are dealing with broken cooling systems, technicians throughout the area can develop a backlog of calls. In the meantime, you can take some easy steps cool off.

2) Close the Blinds

Summer may be a great time to let the natural light in but high temperatures will cause the heat in your house to go up too! Close your curtains or invest in blackout shades to help keep your house cooler. This is especially important on the sides of your house that get direct sunlight throughout the day.

3) Know When to Open and Close Your Windows

Another way to beat the heat is to open your windows at night and close them before it gets too hot outside. At night, the temperatures and humidity are often lower so you can pump in that colder air to make your home more comfortable. Just make sure you wake up early enough to close them before it gets too hot out or you will be blowing the hot air right into your home!

4) Outdoor Cooking

Take advantage of the warm weather and enjoy a cool beverage while cooking outside. Try to avoid using your oven or stove top during particularly warm days. The heat from cooking can radiate throughout your home, only making it feel hotter. In addition, you should consider not using any hot appliances like hair dryers and curling irons. If you need some ideas on what to grill, check out some of our favorite recipes. 

5) Hang out in your lowest level

Try to spend most of your time on the ground floor or in the basement of your home. Since hot air rises, the upper stories will be much hotter than ground floor and basement. If your upper levels don’t cool down at night, try moving a mattress or air mattress to the lower floors to help you sleep more comfortably.


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