5 Steps To Take Before Turning On Your Furnace This Fall

Weather in Wisconsin has officially turned to the seasonably cool side after a long warm summer. As you woke up this morning, you may have thought – WOW! It’s chilly in here. We should turn the furnace on soon. However, before you do so, there are a few steps you should take to ensure your furnace is in safe, working order. Below, we discuss nine ways to prepare your furnace for winter.

1. Check Your Filter.

You should check and change your furnace’s air filter every few months. If you have allergies or pets that shed, you may want to change the filter more often. Keeping your air filter new and clean helps your furnace get heat to you faster and with less dust.

2. Make Sure Your Vents Are Uncovered.

Over the summer, you may have rearranged some rooms and covered up some heating vents that you may have forgotten about. You may need to rethink that arrangement over winter since blocked vents prevent the heat from warming your house. Additionally, make sure that the area around your furnace is clear. Clutter around the furnace is a fire hazard and also can prevent the ease of maintenance and repair if something were to go wrong.

3. Test Your Safety Monitors.

You should have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your in home. Before you turn on your furnace for the season, it is a great time to test your systems to make sure they are working properly and the batteries are still fresh. If the alarm goes off or has a reading, turn off the furnace right away and call a technician, as there may be a dangerous condition. Open the windows, leave the house and avoid turning on the heat again until a professional has assessed the situation.

4. Pay Attention To Unusual Sounds and Smells

It is normal for your furnace to smell when you first flip it on. Over the summer, dust settles and it is inevitable that it will burn off when turned on. To get rid of the smell, open a window during the warmer part of the day. If the smell persists, call H.J. Faust to come out and take a look. It could be a more serious problem with your furnace. In addition, if your furnace is making any weird or grinding noises, turn off the furnace and wait for the advice of a professional.

5. Sign Up for Our Annual Maintenance Plan

Annual maintenance should happen more than once a year if you have an A/C and furnace. The spring/summer check up is focused on getting your system ready to cool and the fall/winter check up is to get it ready to heat. 2021 is expected to be a fairly harsh winter and with the current supply chain issues, it could be harder to get the system that is best for you and your home. The Annual Maintenance Plan from H.J. Faust can provide you with peace of a mind for each season.

We hope you can use these tips as you turn on your furnace for the first time this weekend! Stay comfy and cozy.

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