Can Home Color Effect Your HVAC Efficiency?

Spring is finally here! You may have started looking for some ways to spruce up your homes curb appeal by replacing your home’s siding, painting your home or replacing your roof. More thought should go into the decision of color besides just personal preference or current trends since it could impact the efficiency of your homes heating and cooling system. Keep reading below to learn some tips and tricks on which family of colors you should lean towards. 

Dark Colors 

Dark colors can absorb up to 70 to 90% of radiant energy so during the warmer months, dark colors draw more heat in and make air conditioning systems work overtime. With your air conditioner working harder and longer to combat the extra heat from the dark exterior, your energy bill can increase. Dark colors, like black or navy, are not ideal for boosting energy efficient HVAC systems. These dull dark colors on your exterior can actually cause more breakdowns in the future due to the extra stress on your system. However, if you are stuck on a certain color, choose a lighter version within the same color family to find a compromise. 

Light Colors 

Light colors have the opposite effect of dark colors. Painting the exterior of your home in light colors or white can keep your home from absorbing the heat beating down on it. Light colors reflect that energy, which means it has less of an effect on your home’s interior temperature. 

If you are looking to replace your shingles or roof, a lighter colored roof can also keep your home cooler without causing your energy consumption to increase. Solar heat absorbed by a dark-colored roof radiates into the attic especially if your insulation isn’t sufficient. An over-heated attic can cause temperatures in the living spaces below to soar. This means your central air conditioner runs longer to compensate and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Type of material may also play a factor into the heat that your roof absorbs since reflective materials like metal may not absorb as much heat as dark shingles.

In conclusion, sticking with lighter colors may reduce the effects of the outdoor changes in your home. Although those light colors may not help absorb much heat in the winter, it will reduce the total impact from the elements throughout the entire year. 

Another way to improve energy efficiency for your HVAC system is maintenance.  A professional should perform annual preventative maintenance at least twice a year to increase the lifespan of your HVAC system. H.J. Faust has an annual maintenance program in order to make remembering that tune-up even easier. Call today to get signed up!


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